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    stray birdssummer emy windowsing and fly away.

    and yellow leavesautumn, which havesongs, flutter and fall

    there witign.



    o troupelittle vagrantsthe world, leave your footprintsmy words.




    the world puts off its maskvastnessits lover.

    it bees smallone song,one kissthe eternal.



    itthe tearsthe earth that keep here smilesbloom.



    the mighty desertburning for the lovea bladeof grass who

    shakes her head and laughs and flies away.



    if you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.



    the sandsyour way beg for your song and your movement, dancing

    you carry the burdentheir lameness



    her wishful face hauntsdreams like the rainnight.




    oncedreamt thatwere strangers.

    we waketo find thatwere deareach other.



    sorrowhushed into peacemy heart like the evening among

    the silent trees.



    some unseen fingers, likeidle breeze, are playing uponheart

    the musicthe ripples.






    what languagethine, o seathe languageeterna languagethy answer, o skythe languageeternal silence.



    listen,heart,the whispersthe world with whichmakes




    the mysterycreationlike the darknessnight--it iknowledge are like the fogthe morning.



    do not seat your love uporecipice becauseis high.



    i sitmy window this morning where the world likasser-by stops

    fooment, nodsme and goes.



    there little thoughts are the rustleleaves; they have their

    whisperjoymy mind.



    what you are younot see, what you seeyour shadow.




    my wishes are fools, they shout across thy song,master.

    letbut listen.




    i cannot choose the best.

    the best chooses me.



    they throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on

    their back.



    thaxista perpetual surprise whichlife.



    “我不过是一朵花。”  we, the rustling leaves, havoice that answers the storms,

    but who are yousilent"ia mere flower.



    rest belongsthe workthe eyelidsthe eyes.



    mana born child, his powerthe powergrowth.



    god expects answers for the flowerssends us, not for the sun

    the earth.



    the light that plays, likaked child, among the green leaves

    happily knows not that man can lie.



    o beauty, find thyselflove, notthe flatterythy mirror.



    my heart beats her wavesthe shorethe world and writes upon

    it her signaturetears with the words,love thee."



    “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”  moon, for whatyou waitto salute the sun for whoust make way.



    the trees etowindow like the yearning voicethe dumb earth.



    his own mornings are new surprisesgod.



    life finds its wealththe claimsthe world, and its worth

    by the claimslove.



    the dry river-bed findsthanks for its past.




    the bird wisheswerloud.

    the cloud wisheswerird.



    the waterfall sing,findsong, wheindfreedom."




    i cannot tell why this heart languishessilence.

    itfor small needsnever asks,knowsremembers.



    woman, when you move aboutyour household service your limbs sing

    likill stream among its pebbles.



    the sun goescross the western sea, leaving its last salutation

    to the east.



    do not blame your food because you haveappetite.



    the trees, like the longingsthe earth, stand atiptoepeep

    at the heaven.



    you smiled and talkedmenothing anelt that for this

    i had been waiting long.




    the fishthe watersilent, the animalthe earthnoisy,

    the birdthe airsinging.

    but man hashim the silencethe sea, the noisethe earth and

    the musicthe air.



    the world rushesover the stringsthe lingering heart making

    the musicsadness.




    he has made his weapons his gods.

    when his weapons winis defeated himself.



    god finds himselfcreating.



    shadow, with her veil drawn, follows lightsecret meekness,

    with her silent stepslove.



    the stars are not afraidappear like fireflies.



    i thank thee that inonethe wheelspower but ione with

    the living creatures that are crushedit.



    the mind, sharp but not broad, sticksevery point but does not move.



    you idolshatteredthe dustprove that god's dustgreater

    than your idol.
